Home Category Comic Books NY – Geiger #10 Signing | Jan 11th

NY – Geiger #10 Signing | Jan 11th

Promotional poster for a comic book signing event with Jerry Ordway on January 11th, 12PM-2PM, featuring Geiger Comics #10 cover art.

Promotional poster for a comic book signing event with Jerry Ordway on January 11th, 12PM-2PM, featuring Geiger Comics #10 cover art.

Jerry Ordway is rocking a variant for GEIGER #10, and will be in store signing copies on Saturday, January 11th from noon till 2pm. You must purchase a copy from Aw Yeah Comics in order to participate. Jerry is happy to sign other items you bring, and will also have prints and comics he will be selling directly.

Aw Yeah Comics
313 Halstead Ave, Harrison, NY 10528
(914) 732-3600

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