Home Category Comic Strips First Comics Creators to Appear at Baltimore Comic-Con 2023

First Comics Creators to Appear at Baltimore Comic-Con 2023


The 24th annual Baltimore Comic-Con will take place at the Inner Harbor’s Baltimore Convention Center on September 8-10, 2023. The Baltimore Comic-Con is announcing creators that worked at one of the early indie publishers in the industry, First Comics, to include Howard Chaykin, Mike Grell, Marc Hempel, Steve Rude, Joe Staton, and Mark Wheatley. Get your tickets online now!

Visit baltimorecomiccon.com/tickets for more information and to purchase your advanced tickets!

In the coming weeks, look for more announcements from the Baltimore Comic-Con. We are looking forward to highlighting our guests, the Ringo Awards, industry exclusives, and programming. The latest developments can always be found on our website, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages.

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