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KevinCONline Halloween Convention


Team Eastman has been missing Comic Cons so much this year and not seeing you all… so we’re throwing our own con! From my home to yours, join me this Saturday for #KevinCONline with my AWESOME scary guests and spooktacular events all day long AND a very, very special Team Eastman Fan Club Members Only event to close the day. COWABUNGA!!!

Events begin streaming LIVE on Eastman’s Facebook and CnPEntertainment’s Instagram account at 9:30am Pacific Time, 12:30pm Eastern Time on Saturday, October 31.

Our guests include the “Terrifying” Tom Waltz, Ciro “Il Vampiro” Nieli and “Batty” Ben Bishop.

Our courageous emcees include “Nifty” Nore Davis, “Dastardly” Dave Nguyen, the very lovely Courtney “The Bride of Eastman”, and Chase Alexander “The Late” (and you never know who else might just pop in too!)

A whole day of crazy programming, nutsy chats, claim sales, sketching with pals, live auctions and of course the PRIVATE FAN CLUB MEMBERS ONLY EVENT with Trivia and chat – woot!!! Fan Club Members will receive an email on Saturday morning with a special access code to use, so keep an eye on your mailbox for that and renew or join the club if you want to attend that too. COWABUNGA!!!