Actor Chris Evans, best known for his role as Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is returning to his hometown of Boston, MA for a rare convention appearance at ACE Comic Con Northeast on March 20-22, 2020. Joining him are fellow Avengers Chris Hemsworth (THOR) and Tessa Thompson (VALKYRIE), villains Tom Hiddleston (LOKI) and Jake Gyllenhaal (MYSTERIO) plus several more popular celebrities and talented comics creators.
While tickets for Evans’ autograph sessions and photo ops are currently sold out, the website Nerds and Beyond are hosting a contest to win a VIP Package to meet the Star-Spangled Avenger in the flesh. Th winner will receive 3-day admission to the convention, priority seating for Chris’ panel during the show, an autograph and photo op with Chris Evans at designated VIP times, 30 minutes of early VIP access to the show, and a swag bag full of ACE exclusives.
Enter at the link before the deadline on Monday, March 2, 2020 to participate: