Home Category Comic Books Rah-Con (August 2018)

Rah-Con (August 2018)

Convention Name
Convention Website Address
This convention will take place:
  • for one day only.
Date (Format mm/dd/yyyy)
About This Convention
Rah-Con will be returning to Rahway, New Jersey on Saturday, August 11, 2018 at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, 1410 St. Georges Avenue, Rahway, NJ 07065 from 10am to 4pm.
We will feature guest Artists from the comic industry as well as independent artists/writers/creators of their own works.
Also on hand will be many vendors offering up Comics, Graphic Novels, Non-Sport Cards, Toys, Crafts (related to comics), Anime, Gaming, Pokemon, Collectibles and More!!
We’ll also have some awesome cosplayers and the 501st Star Wars groups will be joining us as well and anyone wishing to get dressed in cosplay, come on out and join us! Admission is $3.00 and kids 12 and under are Free. We’ll be giving out random door prizes at the door, so who knows, you just might be a winner!
Tables are still available for this show. Tables are 8ft. Vendor $60 or $50 each two or more. Crafter $40 and Artist $30 just check out our website for more information.
Venue Name and Address
Saint Thomas the Apostle Church
1410 St. Georges Avenue
RAHWAY, NJ 07065
United States
Map It
Number of Dealer/Exhibitor Tables
Projected Attendance
Please select the Category that best describes the convention
Comic Books
Additional Categories
  • Anime
  • Collectibles
Philip McNulty, Neil Vokes, Darren Aucck, Tom Smith, George Vega, Sean Adrednt, Jess Epply, Douglas Arthur, Matt Parton, Donald Marino, Dangerous Dan Cosplay, Carter Cosplay, 501st Star Wars Legions
