Home Category Comic Books ON – Amazing Spider-Man #800 Signing

ON – Amazing Spider-Man #800 Signing


Press Release:

The Beguiling is thrilled to announce a spectacular, sensational, frankly amazing signing as we welcome powerhouse comics couple STUART & KATHRYN IMMONEN to the store on Wednesday, May 30 starting at 5:00 PM! Their first public appearance/signing in three years is to celebrate the release of THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #800 from Marvel Comics!

Stuart & Kathryn’s credits almost don’t need to be listed—besides THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, Stuart has been the artist on such books as STAR WARS, NEXTWAVE, EMPRESS, and FEAR ITSELF; Kathryn has been the writer on such great titles as RUNAWAYS, SIF: JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY, AGENT CARTER and PATSY WALKER: HELLCAT. If that weren’t enough, together the Immonens have also created the books RUSSIAN OLIVE TO RED KING, MOVING PICTURES and NEVER AS BAD AS YOU THINK. Their work crosses genres and styles and demonstrates that regardless of the format, they are masterful creators in any form of comics.

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #800 is not only a milestone comics event but also marks the end of Stuart’s run on the title, so it’s the perfect occasion to welcome the Immonens at our new location. For this event The Beguiling will also be donating $5 from the sale of each copy of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #800 to the Immonens’ chosen charity, Trails Youth Initiative! Now THAT is Amazing!

This comic has a cover price of $9.99 US, or roughly $13 CDN, but pre-ordered copies will be sold at $10 CDN. On the day-of, copies of the regular ASM #800 cover will be priced at CAD$12.

Due to the fact that the current run of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN has been selling out on day of release, and the sheer number of special variant covers for this issue, we will be taking pre-orders to help make sure you get the covers you want. While we will be taking pre-orders right up to the event, if you are looking for one of the variant covers please visit our website/see below for details on how to order.
Additional issues of Amazing Spider-Man will be available the day of release, but cannot be pre-ordered.

Stuart and Kathryn will both be on hand to sign copies of their work, with in-store purchase. Head sketches will be available with the day-of purchase of TPB and HC books as well as on sketch covers of Amazing Spider-Man #800. Please note: Stuart will not be doing convention or commission-level sketches, NO EXCEPTIONS.

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The Beguiling
319 College Street, Toronto, ON M5T 1S2