Home Comic Books CA – Star Wars Artist Edition Signing

CA – Star Wars Artist Edition Signing


Howard Chaykin appears at the San Diego Comic Art Gallery on Friday, April 7th.

With a career that spans over 40 years, Chaykin has worked on some of the most beloved characters in comics, such as “Batman” and “The Avengers”, and has created some of the most well respected original material, like “American Flagg” and “Black Kiss”. However, nothing in pop culture will ever be as big as “Star Wars” and Chaykin was the first artist to work on the comics. We couldn’t be more excited to have him back here at the Gallery.

Howard will be signing from 6-8. We’ll have plenty of IDW Publishing’s “Star Wars” Artifact Editions on hand for sale as well as “Star Wars” Micro Fun-Packs for you to get signed. Outside items are allowed but please keep them limited to five.

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San Diego Comic Art Gallery – Barracks 3 First Floor
2765 Truxtun Road, San Diego, CA 92106
(858) 270-1315