Home Comic Books Water Gap Comic Fest (January 2017)

Water Gap Comic Fest (January 2017)


Jersey Shore

Convention Name
Water Gap Comic Fest
Convention Website Address
This convention will take place:
  • for one day only.
Date (Format mm/dd/yyyy)
About This Convention
Cabin Fever got you down? Well, break out of the cabin and join us on Sunday, January 15, 2017 from 10am to 4pm at the Mt. Bethel Fire Hall in Mt. Bethel, PA, for our “cabin fever” show. This will be our first time at this location. We will be featuring *Star* guests, Artist Alley and numerous vendors offering up golden age to modern comics, toys, NON-Sport cards, Anime, Steampunk, Pop-Culture, figurines, collectibles and so much more!! Hourly drawings for great prizes, $how Ca$h and more.
Come out and meet, get your photo taken with the *Stars, The Philly Avengers, Star Wars and Ghostbusters. There will also be a cosplay contest at 2pm.
Admission is $5 Senior Citizens $3 Kids 12 and under FREE
Venue Name and Address
Mt. Bethel Fire Company Hall
2341 N. Delaware Ave (route 611 S.)
Mt. Bethel, PA 18343
United States
Map It
Number of Dealer/Exhibitor Tables
Projected Attendance
Please select the Category that best describes the convention
Comic Books
Additional Categories
  • Anime
  • Horror
  • Collectibles
Sharon Lentz (Little Sarah from Dark Shadows), Christoper Weite (The Walking Dead, Gotham), Carolyn Seibert “Zombie Queen,” Rusty Gilligan. Neil Vokes, Eric Cooper, Philip McNulty, Mackenzie Rose Hawk, Tom Schloendorn, Theodore Riddle, Isiah Puga.

Water Gap