Home Category Comic Books So Cal Comic Con (October 2013)

So Cal Comic Con (October 2013)

So Cal Comic Con

So Cal Comic Con

Convention Name
So Cal Comic Con
Convention Website Address
This convention will take place:
  • for one day only.
Date (Format mm/dd/yyyy)
About This Convention
Come out to the 4th annual So Cal Comic Con on Sunday, October 20th, from 10am-5pm, at the QLN Conference Center in Oceanside! Kids 13 and under, and any member of the military, get in for FREE! We’ve got 2 Guests of Honor for this year’s show:

* Artist Clayton Crain is known for his gorgeous painted work on titles like Carnage, Ghost Rider, X-Force, and Valiant’s upcoming Unity and X-O Manowar titles.

* Artist John Kricfalusi is best known as the creator of Ren & Stimpy through his company Spumco. Today, John works on various projects including a new George Liquor cartoon called Cans without Labels, and a new John K Presents: Spumco Comic Book Hardcover published by IDW Publishing, on sale at this show!

The 1st 100 people in line get a FREE gift bag STUFFED with cool comics. There are raffles throughout the day where you can win prizes like Iron Man #1 from 1968 SIGNED by Stan Lee and artist Gene Colan! Dozens of comic and toy vendors are on hand to sell your favorite Golden, Silver, Bronze, or Modern Age comics and toys. IDW Publishing and Aspen Comics will be in attendance, along with numerous comic creators, including:

Eric “eBas” Basaldua (Grimm Fairy Tales, Witchblade)
Joe Benitez (Lady Mechanika, Wraithborn, Magdalena)
Tony Fleecs (My Little Pony)
Richard Friend (Forever Evil, Batman Dark Knight)
Joel Gomez (Batman, Lost Boys: The Thirst)
Drew Johnson (Wonder Woman, Supergirl, The Authority)
Chris Moreno (Toy Story, Sidekick)
Marat Mychaels (Blindside, Notti & Nyce)
Rafael Navarro (Guns A’Blazin, Sonambulo)
Tone Rodriguez (Violent Messiahs, Simpsons, Mayhem)
Mike Wellman (Guns A’Blazin, Mac Afro)

Admission is only $7 for adults, or $6 with a flyer which can be found at many Southern California comic book stores. Parking is free. Bring the family!

Venue Name and Address
QLN Conference Center
1938 Avenida del Oro
Oceanside, CA 92056
United States
Map It
Number of Dealer/Exhibitor Tables
Projected Attendance
Please select the Category that best describes the convention
Comic Books
Additional Categories
  • Collectibles
Clayton Crain, John Kricfalusi, Eric Basaldua, Joe Benitez, Tony Fleecs, Richard Friend, Joel Gomez, Drew Edward Johnson, Chris Moreno, Marat Mychaels, Rafael Navarro, Tone Rodriguez, Mike Wellman

So Cal flyer

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