The Maine Comics Arts Festival (MeCAF) has announced the schedule for their 2013 show! Guests include Jeff Smith, Raina Telgemeier, Sean Murphy, Brian Wood, Ming Doyle, Dave Roman, Rick Parker, Colleen AF Venable, John Green, Zack Giallongo, Jeff Pert, Joe Quinones, Maris Wicks, and many more!
Press Release:
MeCAF will have panels and workshops on Saturday May 18th at the Portland Public Library and Sunday at the festival site at Ocean Gateway.
Saturday, May 18th
Portland Public Library – Rines Auditorium
1:00- A conversation with Jeff Smith, creator of Bone and RASL- We will be discussing Jeff’s past work and upcoming projects. (Please note that there will not be any book signings at the library. Jeff will be signing books on Sunday at the festival).
2:00- Rick Parker cartooning workshop: Join Cartoonist Rick Parker (artist of Beavis and Butthead, Harry Potty, Diary of a Stinky Dead Kid and many others) as he shares tips and techniques for drawing comics. This will be a demonstration where members of the audience will be encouraged to draw.
3:00- Raina Telgemeier! Raina Telgemeier, creator of Smile and Drama, and artist of the Babysitter’s Club series, discusses her current projects and gives a peek at her work process.
Sunday, May 19th
Ocean Gateway Terminal Maine Comics Arts Festival programming (please check back for updates as we finalize the schedule)
10:30- Jeff Pert Kid’s Cartooning Class
11:30- Colleen Venable, John Green, and Zack Giallongo
1:00- Lake Region High School Comic Class Project
3:00- TBA