Home Category Comic Books OR – Shadow of the Golden Crane #1 Signing | Jan 25th

OR – Shadow of the Golden Crane #1 Signing | Jan 25th

Comic book signing event poster featuring "William of Newbury" and "Shadow of the Golden Crane" with Chris Roberson and Michel Avon Oeming on January 25th at Cosmic Monkey Comics.


Comic book signing event poster featuring "William of Newbury" and "Shadow of the Golden Crane" with Chris Roberson and Michel Avon Oeming on January 25th at Cosmic Monkey Comics.

Cosmic Monkey Comics is excited to have Chris Roberson and Michael Avon Oeming signing copies of Shadow of the Golden Crane #1 and William of Newbury TPB on Saturday, January 25th from 2-4pm.

RSVP on Facebook!

Cosmic Monkey Comics
5335 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, OR 97213
(503) 517-9050

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