Home Category Comic Books MA – Jayson Comics Signing | Sept 28th

MA – Jayson Comics Signing | Sept 28th

Colorful promotional poster for a creator talk and signing event with Jeff Krell at Comicazi in Somerville, MA on Sunday, September 28th from 6:30-8pm, featuring a presentation, Q&A, and book signing.

Colorful promotional poster for a creator talk and signing event with Jeff Krell at Comicazi in Somerville, MA on Sunday, September 28th from 6:30-8pm, featuring a presentation, Q&A, and book signing.

Join us for a Special Presentation on the history of Jayson Comics & Ignite Entertainment followed by a Q&A & signing with Jeff Krell on Saturday, September 28th at 6:30pm!

RSVP on Facebook!

407 Highland Avenue, Somerville, MA 02144

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