Home Comic Books NYC – Spider-Man #7 Signing

NYC – Spider-Man #7 Signing


Writer Dan Slott (Silver Surfer, Fantastic Four, She-Hulk) appears at Midtown Comics Downtown for a signing on Thursday, April 6th at 5pm!

Grab a copy of Spider-Man vol 4 #7 (including the super TOP SECRET Super Spoiler cover!) and head to downtown NYC on THURS APRIL 6 to join in!


*Purchase of Spider-Man vol 4 #7 is REQUIRED to attend the signing

**(Please purchase it on the day of the event)

*Up to 3 items will be signed

*For the safety of our guest, please wear a mask

RSVP on Facebook!

Midtown Comics Downtown
64 Fulton Street, NY, New York, 10038
(212) 302-8192

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