Home Category Comic Books Rhode Island Comic Con Welcomes comic Legend Howard Chaykin

Rhode Island Comic Con Welcomes comic Legend Howard Chaykin


Join us for our 10th Anniversary as we welcome Howard Victor Chaykin to Rhode Island Comic Con, presented by Cardi’s Furniture & Mattresses, November 4-6, 2022 at the Rhode Island Convention Center & Dunkin’ Donuts Center Providence!

Buy tickets at www.ricomiccon.com!

Howard changed comics with his groundbreaking work American Flagg! which premiered in 1983 for First Comics. Its merging of graphic design and sequential narrative influenced the next generation of comic artists, as well as his contemporaries. His sense of design and dedication to detail and craftsmanship are staples of his work to this day. 

In his early years in the comics industry he worked with industry giants such as Gil Kane, Wally Wood, Neal Adams, Joe Orlando, and Gray Morrow. He has worked for all of the major comics publishers including Image, Marvel, DC, First, Archie, Dynamite, and many others. He has worked on their top characters like Superman, Batman, Wolverine, Avengers, The Punisher, Blade, Star Wars, and many more. Additionally, he has reinvented characters like DC’s The Shadow and his masterful collaboration with Jose Garcia-Lopez on DC’s Twilight. His body of work goes far beyond his contributions to the superhero genre with books like Blackhawk, Black Kiss, and American Century.

In addition to comics, Howard worked on numerous television shows including The Flash, Viper, Mutant X, and Earth: Final Conflict. 
Mr. Chaykin maintains a steady output of quality work which continues to challenge the status quo with comic books like Divided States of Hysteria, Satellite Sam, Midnight of the Soul, and Hey Kids! Comics! with Image Comics.