Home Top Stories Comic Art Live Returns on November 14-15th

Comic Art Live Returns on November 14-15th


Comic Art Fans will host our second Comic Art Live Virtual Comic Art Convention on the weekend of November 14-15, 2020. Comic Art LIVE is our way of thanking the comic art collecting community for their support and reassuring you that we’re committed to the long term success and stability of this marketplace which we all love. More than 20,000 comic art collectors attended the first show in May with over $500,000 worth of art exchanging hands and we expect even larger crowds this time!

The November Comic Art Live show is FREE TO ATTEND and will open to online visitors at 1pm EST on Saturday November 14th and close at 6PM EST on Sunday May 31st.

Premium Members of CAF are eligible to have a Booth at the show to market your art for sale. Booth setup be managed from your CAF Gallery page, and will begin on Wednesday, October 28th, so you have three weeks to prepare!

Premium Members of CAF will also have 2 hours early access to Comic Art Live beginning at 11AM EST on Saturday November 14th, allowing you to purchase artwork or get on commission and/or sketch lists 2 hours prior to the general public! Comic Art Live will be hosted on ComicArtFans.com once again and will have separate virtual Exhibit Halls for Original Comic Art Dealers, Collectors who are selling artwork, artists and Vendors related to our hobby. An Online Preview of Exhibitors will be posted a week prior to the show.

If you participated in the first show there are few changes to be made aware of. For the November show, each Exhibitor will be limited to display a maximum of 24 artworks for sale on Saturday, and 24 artworks for sale on Sunday. The first show only allowed for 18 artworks for the entire weekend. Like the first show in May, all artwork you bring to the show should be new to the market or priced to sell. All artwork must have a sale price – no “Or Best Offer” or “Make Offer” opportunities will be allowed. We’re having the two separate art drops to keep up the enthusiasm for the show for the entire weekend. The Saturday Art Drop will happen first to our Premium Members with their two hour early access, so we encourage you to release your more important pieces on Saturday. The Sunday Art Drop will also release at 11am EST, but it will be open to all Attendees.

Please be aware that the single biggest complaint from the first show was slow response times from Sellers. It wasn’t a major issue, but for those of you who might also be shopping at Comic Art LIVE in the early hours of the show, I do ask that you try to be responsive to Attendee inquiries as well.

PANELS FOR ARTISTS & ART REPS: We would like to have a live Panel track each day dedicating each hour to a single Artist or Art Rep and their Artist(s) of choice. The panel could just be an interview, but we’d prefer each panel to focus on Art Sales. Paolo Rivera did a good panel during the first show (example), where he came with six small pre-painted $150 pieces which were sold during the Panel, and an artwork he worked on during the panel was sold at the end of the panel. We are looking for creative ideas from Artists & Reps on what they’d like to do with their time. We know we cannot accommodate having a Panel for everyone, so we’re looking for the best ideas this time around. Panels need to be committed to by November 1st. We can provide the Panel Moderator if you did not want to moderate their own Panel. PLEASE CONTACT ME WITH YOUR IDEAS AS SOON AS YOU CAN!

If you are a Comic Art Rep we’ve implemented special programming allowing you to also have your artists in attendance at your booth. This those artists to display pre-drawn artwork over the general piece limit on the booth, and allow the Rep to accept commission and sketch requests during Comic Art Live on their behalf. This does require special setup on our part so if you’d like to participate in this manner please email me. There are no additional costs or obligations on an Art Rep’s part to participate in this manner and in doing so you will also be listed in our Comic Art Reps section on CAF.

Your Comic Art LIVE Booth will also provide Social Media links to allow Attendees to easily follow you on social sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on. A Booth can also have a Newsletter signup form to increase your newsletter recipients from our Collectors in attendance. I’ll work with each exhibitor to get the signup code from their newsletter host (mailchimp, etc). We want to add more value from the show for you than just selling art! More than 20,000 Art Collectors visited the first Comic Art LIVE, so don’t miss out on these expanded marketing opportunities for exhibitors!

If you are interested in exhibiting or would like to attend Comic Art Live we’ll be posting more information as the Booth Setup period and the show draws nearer, but feel free to CONTACT Bill Cox for more information or to answer questions in the meantime.

Comic Art Fans