Home Category Art Show OR – And If The World Keeps Ending: A Riso Print Art...

OR – And If The World Keeps Ending: A Riso Print Art Show


Press Release:

“And If The World Keeps Ending” is an riso art exhibit focused on micro and macro apocalypses and surviving and thriving beyond them. Our hope is tinged with tenderness and violence, our love with desperate perseverance and still the future keeps unreeling before us endlessly despite all these thousands of endings! This collection of artists will explore their imagined futures, small intimate moments or epic revolutionary scenes. If the world keeps ending, life persists.

Part of the proceeds from the sale of the limited edition riso prints will go to a charity helping to fight for environmental justice!

Artists: Leslie Hung, Yumi Sakugawa, Sophia Foster-Dimino, Tim Peacock, Singeon, Lala Albert, Emma Rios, Jeremy Sorese, Roxie Vizcarra, Kris Mukai, and Niv Bavarsky

RSVP on Facebook!

Floating World Comics
400 NW Couch Street, Portland, OR 97209
(503) 241-0227