Press Release:
The CHARLOTTE MINI-CON is Charlotte’s longest running COMIC BOOK convention is back on Saturday, February 8, 2020 from 11 AM – 5 PM. And for our 2020 show, we are getting back to our roots!
The 2020 Charlotte Mini-Con will be a curated show focused ENTIRELY on VINTAGE COMIC dealers and will feature a select group of OUTSTANDING COMIC CREATORS!
We are happy to announce the following Artists as our Guests at the 2020 Charlotte Mini-Con:
Chris Brunner
Bridgit Connell
Sanford Greene
Dustin Harbin
Adam Hughes
Jason Latour
Rico Renzi
Budd Root
Andy Smith
Brian Stelfreeze
2020 Charlotte Mini-Con Exhibitor List:
Basement Comics (Albert Stoltz)
Brett Carreras
Brewer Parker
Burke Street Comics
CBCS Comics
Chris Foss
David Burns
David Hinson
David Shankle
Dustin Lineback
Gene Carpenter
Hey Kids, Comics
Jason Hamlin
Jim Walls
Murph’s Comics
Nikelspot Comics
Painted Visions Comics, Cards and Games
Park Circle Comics
Rebel Base Comics & Toys
Rick Fortenberry
Ssalefish Comics
Stormcrow Comics
Supah! (Joe Todd)
The Tangled Web
TNT Comics (Randy Taylor)
Updog Comics
*Additional Exhibitor Announcements to follow!*
The Charlotte Mini-Con is brought to you by Heroes Aren’t Hard To Find, the same folks who put on Heroes Convention. It will be a great time for the whole family!
(Student or State ID required for anyone 15-18 years old)