Press Release:
The Irish Film Institute (IFI) is delighted to announce that international bestselling author George R.R. Martin will visit the IFI for a very special screening of Fred M Wilcox’s seminal 1956 sci-fi classic Forbidden Planet in 35mm on Saturday, August 17th at 20.00. This event is presented in association with Dublin 2019: An Irish WorldCon.
Following the screening, George R.R. Martin will be in conversation with Maura McHugh of Dublin 2019: An Irish WorldCon about Forbidden Planet and the influence such works have had on his own writing and career.
** Tickets for this special event will only be available via the IFI’s website,
Irish Film Institute (IFI)
6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland Dublin 2
+353 1 679 3477