Press Release:
Hero Initiative, the charity that helps comic book creators in medical and financial need, will hit the Phoenix Comicon in a HUGE way at the Phoenix Convention Center May 25-May 28.
Special guest artist Rick Leonardi will be at the Hero booth, #396-398, Friday through Sunday. Rick has been entertaining comic fans for 30 years on titles ranging from Cloak and Dagger to Uncanny X-Men, so make sure you swing by the booth for sketches and autographs!
And Hero’s MASSIVE event will be the second stage of The Wonder Woman 100 Project auctions! You can swing by the booth to view 37 original Wonder Woman covers and bid on them in an exciting auction on Saturday, May 27th at 6:00 PM in Room 127C in the convention center. Bidders who cannot attend the convention can bid by proxy with a deadline of May 23rd. Full details are at the Wonder Woman 100 Project gallery.
In addition, artists across the floor will be raising money for Hero all weekend. Please donate when you get your books signed by our good friends Chris Bachalo, Jen Broomall, Scott Koblish, Jae Lee, Ron Marz, Brian & Kristy Miller, Marat Mychaels, Tony Parker, Brian Pulido, Tom Raney, and Arthur Suydam!
About The Hero Initiative
The Hero Initiative is the first-ever federally chartered not-for-profit corporation dedicated strictly to helping comic book creators in need. Hero Initiative creates a financial safety net for yesterday’s creators who may need emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work. It’s a chance for all of us to give back something to the people who have given us so much enjoyment.
Since its inception, The Hero Initiative has had the good fortune to grant over $1 million to the comics’ veterans who have paved the way for those in the industry today. For more information, visit or call 626-676-6354.