Press Release:
Features Legendary Comic Creators, Actors, Wrestlers and the Famous Film Vehicles
Secaucus, NJ—New Jersey’s largest comic convention returns to the Meadowlands Exposition Center on April 29-30. Guests include an array of recognizable pop culture figures and some of the world’s top comic book creators. East Coast Comicon is proud to announce the appearance of Danny Trejo (Machete, Heat), Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters, The Crow), Tony Todd (Candyman, Flash), Dawn Wells (Gilligan’s Island), Kevin Nash (WWE), and a rare reunion of the original cast members of Lost in Space, including Angela Cartwright, Mark Goddard, Marta Kristen, and Bill Mumy. All are available for photos and autographs (prices vary).More than seventy (70) comic artists and writers will be on hand including
More than seventy (70) comic artists and writers will be on hand including legendary creators, George Perez and Marv Wolfman, whose ground-breaking work on the New Teen Titans is the inspiration for the popular Cartoon Network Series Teen Titans Go! Fans of comic cinema are sure to want to meet Keith Giffen (co-creator of Rocket Raccoon) and Fabian Nicienza (co-creator of Deadpool).Others appearing include superstars Art Adams (X-Men), Kyle Baker (Plastic Man), Mike Zeck (Secret Wars, Punisher), Simon Bisley (Judge Dredd, Lobo), Mike Grell (Green Arrow), Denny O’Neill (Batman), and Tim Bradstreet (Punisher). Classic comics talent will also be on hand to meet fans, including Allen Bellman (Captain America), Joe Giella (The Flash, Batman), and original Marvel bullpen artist Larry Lieber, who co-created Iron Man,
Classic comics talent will also be on hand to meet fans, including Allen Bellman (Captain America), Joe Giella (The Flash, Batman), and original Marvel bullpen artist Larry Lieber, who co-created Iron Man, Ant Man, and Thor. Also Guinness Book of World Records will be present to recognize the career of artist Ken Bald. Animation directors and artists of Ren & Stimpy Bill Wray will be on hand.There’s comics fun for all ages, including a Kids Love Comics section that offers
Animation directors and artists of Ren & Stimpy Bill Wray will be on hand.There’s comics fun for all ages, including a Kids Love Comics section that offers activities all day including how to make comics, drawing lessons, and more. Over a dozen kid’s-friendly professional comic artists will be there to teach and sell their books.
Photo ops are available to get your picture taken with some of the most recognized vehicles from movies & tv. Parked onsite are Batmobiles from three iterations of the caped crusader (’66, ’89, and ’05), the Monkees Mobile, the Munsters Koach, Stephen King’s Christine, and the Lost in Space chariot. For the first time, East Coast Comicon is pleased to present a 3-D diorama of the Star Wars trash compactor, which allows you to re-enact a famous scene. (Prices vary for photo ops).
Over 200 vendors will be offering a wide assortment from dollar box comics to super-rare comics. Posters, books, graphic novels, T-shirts, art, toys, and many other collectible items will be sold. And on Sunday afternoon, the East Coast Comicon Cosplay Contest will award $500 for the best costume. Many other prizes and trophies will be awarded. The contest begins at 4 pm.
Location: Meadowlands Exposition Center
Dates: April 29 & 30, 2017
Times: 10 am to 6pm Sat & Sun
Advance Tickets:
Adult Tickets $30.50
Kids Ticket $9.50 (ages 6 to 12) Sunday Adult Tickets $26.50 Kids Ticket $7.50 Sunday (ages 6 to 12) CHILDREN 5 AND UNDER ADMITTED FREE WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY A TICKET HOLDING ADULT (limit 2 children per adult)
2 day Weekend Pass $52.50
2 day Weekend Pass Early admission $82.50
VIP Ticket $135.50 (limited to 100 tickets)
Early entry to the convention (enter at 9:30 am, regular ticket holders enter after 10 am) • Two day pass • Seating in first two rows for all panels (until full). Must be seated before panel begins. • Go to front of all lines for Two (2) different signings. • East Coast Comicon poster. • Your choice of East Coast Comicon T-shirt
Day of Show Tickets:
Adult $40
Kids 6 to 12 yrs old $10