Home Category Comic Books UK – Jupiter’s Legacy Signing

UK – Jupiter’s Legacy Signing


jupiterslegacyWriter Mark Millar appears on Saturday 18th April at 1:00 pm to launch both Forbidden Planet’s brand new and expanded Birmingham Megastore and the graphic novel collection of Jupiter’s Legacy!

Jupiter’s Legacy: The children of the world’s greatest superheroes may never be able to fill their parents’ shoes. When the family becomes embattled by infighting, one branch stages an uprising and another goes into hiding. How long can the world survive when one family’s super-powered problems explode onto the global stage?

Mark Millar is the award-winning writer/ creator of Wanted and Kick-Ass and worked as an executive producer on their subsequent movie adaptations. He is also the Creative Consultant for Twentieth Century Fox in Los Angeles, overseeing their upcoming Marvel movies. His ten years at Marvel produced Civil War, the biggest-selling series of the decade, and The Ultimates, credited by screenwriter Zak Penn as his inspiration for The Avengers movie. His Millarworld company has expanded in the last few years to include Kick-Ass 2, Hit-Girl, The Secret Service, Nemesis, War Heroes, American Jesus, Supercrooks and Superior. In 2012, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by Glasgow Caledonia University for his services to film and literature.

Forbidden Planet Birmingham Megastore
74 Bull Street Birmingham B4 6AD
0121 236 3026