Home Category Comic Books Long Beach Comic and Horror Con (November 2013)

Long Beach Comic and Horror Con (November 2013)

Long Beach Comic Con Logo

Long Beach Comic Con Logo

Convention Name
Long Beach Comic & Horror Con
Convention Website Address
This convention will take place:
  • over multiple days.
Start Date (Format mm/dd/yyyy)
End Date (Format mm/dd/yyyy)
About This Convention
Long Beach Comic & Horror Con is an annual event held at the Long Beach Convention Center each fall. It’s a celebration of comic books and pop culture that showcases the exceptional works of talented writers, artists, illustrators and creators of all types of pop culture. At Long Beach Comic & Horror Con you’ll find exhibitors promoting and selling all types of related products, as well as entertaining and educational programs, guest signings, and meet & greet sessions with celebrities. For more specific information about the show, please use the LBCHC FAQ button on this website. Long Beach Comic & Horror Con is a production of MAD Event Management, LLC.
Venue Name and Address
Long Beach Convention Center
300 E. Ocean Blvd.
Long Beach, CA 90802
United States
Map It
Number of Dealer/Exhibitor Tables
Projected Attendance
Please select the Category that best describes the convention
Comic Books
Additional Categories
  • Anime
  • Horror
  • Science Fiction and Fantasy
  • Collectibles
Tim Bradstreet, Brian Buccellato, Keu Cha, Amanda Conner, Kevin Eastman, Gene Ha, Lance Henriksen, Thomas Jane, Georges Jeanty, John Kricfalusi, Bill Moseley, Jimmy Palmiotti

Jim Mahfood Poster