Home Category Comic Books NYC – Pigeons from Hell Book Club

NYC – Pigeons from Hell Book Club


Artist Nathan Fox appears at Midtown Comics on Friday, July 27, 2012 at 6:30pm!

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Press Release:

It’s the Midtown Comics Book Club! Join us for our monthly Graphic Novel book club at our Downtown store.

This month’s book will be Pigeons from Hell, and artist Nathan Fox will be there to discuss the book with the club! He’ll also be doing a live demo and we’ll be raffling the drawing off to one lucky attendee free! If that’s not enough to entice, free donuts will be served!

Don’t have the book yet? Save 25% off cover price at any of our three stores (in-store only). Just mention the Midtown Comics Book Club at the cash register!

The Book Club will meet on Friday July 27th at 6:30PM at Midtown Comics Downtown.


See you there!

Pigeons from Hell
Joe R. Lansdale
Nathan Fox

Master horror storyteller Joe R. Lansdale throws his scathing wit and wild, otherworldly creations into the mix as he brings Robert E. Howard’s classic tale of dark revenge to the present . . . and into the unwilling lives of the Blassenville mansion heirs, twin sisters Claire and Janet. When Griswell fled the Blassenville estate those many years ago, he couldn’t have imagined the grotesque horrors that would eclipse the ones he saw then-but they’re here, thanks to fiction legend Joe R. Lansdale, dazzling new comic-book artist Nathan Fox (DMZ), and multiple Eisner Award-winning color artist Dave Stewart (Conan, The Umbrella Academy). This fresh take on the classic Pigeons from Hell story delves deeper into the dark mansion’s past while also digging up some fresh, imaginative demons, as Claire and Janet unknowingly bring their friends into an unearthly death trap!

Midtown Comics
64 Fulton Street, New York, NY 10038


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