Home Comic Books FayettevilleCon (August 2023)

FayettevilleCon (August 2023)



Convention Name
FayettevilleCon – ComiCon
Convention Website Address
This convention will take place:
  • for One Day
About This Convention
FayettevilleCon is a collectors’ mecca convention located in the beautiful City of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Striving to be North Carolina’s best and truest comic convention featuring fandoms of multiple genres. As a long-time collector of comics and pop culture items the promoter brings North Carolina an event that will satisfy any fandom!

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FayettevilleCon will have exhibitors that cater to a wide-spectrum of interests including:

•comic books        • magazines         • toys                             • video games

•movies                 • wrestling           • sci-fi                             • sports cards

•anime manga       • cosplay             • artwork sketches         • apparel & jewelry

In addition, a roster of comic industry professionals and fandom-related celebrities are guaranteed in attendance for fans to meet and greet. This will be one show not to miss!

Venue Name
Hilton DoubleTree Hotel
1965 Cedar Creek Road, Fayetteville, North Carolina, 28312, United States (US)
Number of Dealer/Exhibitor Tables
Projected Attendance
Please select the Category that best describes the convention*
Comic Books
Additional Categories
  • Anime
  • Collectibles
  • Gaming
  • Horror
  • Science Fiction and Fantasy
  • Sports
Guests (Enter a list of names with a comma after each name. Ex.: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby)
Tom Cook, Catherine Sutherland, Mike DeCarlo, Patrick David, Bob Carter

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