Restricted Vendor Show – 7 of Your FAVORITE VENDORS!
Loaded with LOTSA GREAT STUFF You Can’t Live Without!
9AM – 10AM (Senior Hour)
10AM – 4PM
Clarion Hotel
76 Industrial Highway • Essington, PA 19029
FROM SOUTH: Exit 8 Off I-95 (Ridley Park Exit)
FROM NORTH: Exit 9A Off I-95
Easily Accessible by Public Transportation!
Due to Covid guidelines in place we are limited to 25 people at any point in time during the day. Which translates to 7 dealers and 18 customers max per hour. A confirmed appointment is a MUST to attend on Sunday. If you don’t make an appointment then you will not be allowed inside. Also a must is face coverings to be worn properly (covering both nose and mouth) anytime inside the hotel itself besides the ballroom where the show is. Cosplay works out just fine for this except it has been rather hot out. Hand sanitizer will be available for use before you enter the show. Social distancing of 6 feet also must be followed. Since they are 6 foot tables in the room then we have to ask only one person per table while checking out the wares.
You can find out available time slots by emailing the promoter Derek Woywood by using or by calling 856-217-5737.
Time slot from 9 to 9:59 is our senior hour for those 60 and over. Though they can have another appointment time if that is too early for you. Slots will be hourly on each hour limited to 59 minutes browsing time in the room. For example if your appointment is for 11 and you show up at 11:30 then everyone has to vacate the room by 11:59 for the next wave of comic hungry fans. So please honor your appointment.
Admission is FREE and parking is FREE. No guest artists or door prizes. 7 dealers coming from far and wide setup on 25 tables so enough to check out especially with free admission.
SEVEN of Your Favorite Vendors!
Daves American Comics
RC Comics
Derek Woywood
AA comics and cards
Robs Kool Komics
Jimmy Montgomery
And last but not least Gene Carpenter of All-American Comics heading up from the DC metro area.