Home Directory Signing and Appearance Profiles NM – An Afternoon with Carrie Vaughn

NM – An Afternoon with Carrie Vaughn


Author Carrie Vaughn appears in conversation with George R.R. Martin at the Cocteau Cinema on Sunday January 29, 2017 at 1:00 PM.

Carrie Vaughn is best known for her New York Times bestselling series of novels about a werewolf named Kitty who hosts a talk radio show for the supernaturally disadvantaged. The fourteenth installment, Kitty Saves the World, was released in 2015. Her forthcoming novels include a near-Earth space opera, Martians Abroad, from Tor Books, and a post-apocalyptic murder mystery, Bannerless, from John Joseph Adams Books. She’s written several other contemporary fantasy and young adult novels, as well as upwards of 80 short stories. She’s a contributor to the Wild Cards series of shared world superhero books edited by George R. R. Martin and a graduate of the Odyssey Fantasy Writing Workshop.

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Jean Cocteau Cinema
418 Montezuma Ave Santa Fe NM 87501
(505) 992-8783